Good curb appeal is a major plus when it comes to marketing a home. A little bit of work on the front of your home can pay big dividends.
When a potential buyer pulls up in front of your home, their first impression is absolutely crucial. Sometimes buyers won't even look at a home with droopy shutters, sagging gutters, peeling paint and a bumper crop of dandelions in the front yard. Or they might go in expecting to find a "fixer-upper" that could be purchased at a bargain price. If a home looks neat and cared for from the street, the initial good impression will carry over as the buyers step inside. It is not necessary to hire a professional landscaper, but listen to your real estate agent's suggestions when you list your home. Local nurseries can help you select blooming plants that will thrive in your area. Keep the lawn mowed, and regardless of the season, take care of exterior maintenance. Strong curb appeal will help your home sell more quickly and for top dollar.
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